Yaqueline Hernandez

Our Friends

Nestled between white pines sits some of the best coffee in Colombia. We patiently waited for it to be picked, roasted it and now it's ready to share. Come experience the passion of some of the best farmers in the La Argentina region.

Finca Los Pinos 

Located in La Argentina, Huila, in the south west region of beautiful Colombia sits a humble farm. Nestled in between pine groves, Yaqueline Hernandez has been quietly perfecting her craft. We caught wind of her Caturra, Castillo, and Tabi cultivars 3 years ago and began dreaming of a way to get her coffee into your cup. Our knowledge of this region couldn't be fresher, with many Colombian components under our belts. We knew that to push the boundaries on Colombian single origins, we had to find something incredibly special. 

And we did.

Yaqueline has been on the forefront of Colombian coffee exporting. She’s created a curated collective of farmers, processors, laborers and exporters to amass a robust coffee community in the region. When we first got in contact with Yaqueline we didn't expect to try such an extensive selection of coffees. We were beyond excited when she invited us into her fold. With farms ranging in size, we had lots on our cupping table that were under 100kg yields, showcasing an incredibly rare combination of processes and cultivars. These coffees provided an experience we knew our coffee community here in Canada would surely enjoy. 

Farallones de Cali National Natural Park sits a stone's throw away from her operation, a beautiful piece of countryside that we intensely wanted to visit.


So we did.

Up and down the white pine hillside, nearly 2000 meters above sea level, we were graced with some of the most insightful shop talk we’ve ever had the pleasure of being apart of. Yaqueline showed us some of her prized Caturra mutations, some low yield Tabi plants, and her favorite place to enjoy a warm meal. Yaqueline is part of an association of farmers, whom we all got to meet. Stay tuned to hear more about her and her friends.